5 tips to create a successful livestream
Livestreaming is easier than one might think. It requires very little equipment and is proven to be quite effective.

The setup is simple, and the most important success criteria is to just do it! These 5 tips will hopefully get you started.
1. Make sure you have the right equipment
Livestreaming is not expensive and does not require a lot of equipment, but make sure you have this in place before you start:
- Camera with mic that can play video format, either: directly to network via network port in camera (and on to network input / RJ45 in wall), or via hdmi port to an hdmi encoder (which we deliver) and on to the network.
- Network input / RJ45 in wall that is incorporated in BazePort network / vlan.
- Contact BazePort to get a pre-defined TV channel ready for livestreaming.
2. Target your audience
Useful and enjoyable content is always a hit. Take nursing home Okserød Sykehjem for instance, they provide slow-TV for residents that have dementia. The goal is for the images to evoke memories and give them a moment of happiness.
Use the idea and place a camera outside a bird box, or in a garden with animals. Then gather the residents in the common area, tune in to the right TV channel and enjoy the show. Or do as LHL hospital and livestream events and concerts.
If we have concerts, services or in-house events, we connect the camera and broadcast live. It’s extremely benefitial, especially now under Covid-19. We have been able to invite artists and easily broadcast the concerts to everyone, without having to expose the artists or the audience to the risk of infection, says Mikael Karijord, Leader Service Team / Volunteer Coordinator.
3. Mix live video with screenshots
If you want to create a more advanced livestream you can mix live video and screenshots. This is an excellent option for livestreaming of lectures.
BazePort customer LHL Hospital uses livestream for teaching purposes. They broadcast live video of the teacher and combine this with screenshots from the PowerPoint presentation. This allows the patients to follow the lectures from the safety of their own rooms and not have to expose themselves to risk by joining a crowded lecture hall.
Simply explained, the livestream solution has given us opportunities to continue with our events despite COVID-19. The system is incredibly easy to set up and works every time, Mikael Karijord, Leader Service Team / Volunteer Coordinator.
4. Test before you go live
Give yourself time to prepare. Make sure you are mentally prepared for your presentation and do a run-through to check that the system works properly.
All recorded lectures will be saved in the Video on Demand library and can be watched again and again. Use it to review the livestream and give you a better starting point for your next stream.
5. Just do it
Remember, the most important thing is to just get started! It does not have to be perfect, you just have to do it.
If you have any questions, please contact us for more information.
BazePort IPTV
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