Baze Technology has recruited two new Apprentices, let´s get to know them!

Welcome Thorbjørn and Viktor, we are very excited to have you on our team! 

Have you guys managed to settle in well?

Yes absolutely, we’ve been taken good care of, introduced to all departments and employees. And we quickly got put to work with assignments to solve.

Where are you from? Tell us a bit about your background.


I’m from Drangedal, a small town in Telemark, but now I live in Larvik. I’ve studied 3D GameDesign in Kristiansand, and then took a bachelor’s degree in Indie Games Development in England, Middlesbrough, Teesside University. After that I took a course in Idea Development which led me to starting my own company as a Game Development Consultant that I did for a year, and then I wanted to do something else. Most recently I finished the course at GET Academy, which is an amazing school for IT development where they also prioritize Psychologic Safety and Growth Mindset; teach you how to use your strengths no matter who you are, gaining tools for better learning experiences and so much more. I’m carrying over everything I learned from GET Academy and will put that knowledge to as good use as possible here at Baze.


Born and raised in Norway, in a town called Porsgrunn. Moved here when I was in second grade, and never left. Bit of a Gamer, so that’s where my portal into the PC World came from, thoroughly enjoyed joining communities and help building them up, so I’ve always enjoyed being a team player.

Why did you apply to be an apprentice at Baze?


I really like the idea of using my knowledge and area of interests - to do something that can benefit and help others in a positive way. That’s what motivates me. And here at Baze I feel like I can and really want to contribute to that cause.


I did a course to learn more about programming, and thought it was a nice tool to use to put some of my ideas into reality. I believe that Baze is just the place where I can grow, learn and expand my knowledge to do just that, and hopefully be a positive contribution to the team.

What is the most interesting part of working in a tech company so far?


It’s nice to be apart of a company like Baze. I’m currently learning new tools which is fun! But I also look forward to get in the loop, start working and problem solving in a team, sharing ideas, intuitive solutions and so on.


How open and friendly everyone is. I was expecting strict work hours and cubicles, but it couldn’t be further from the truth.

And at last, we have to ask, what is your favourite movie at BazePort?


Top Gun: Maverick


The Good Doctor