our latest updates

Introducing the newest member of the Bazeport team!
We are pleased to welcome Leif-Christian as our new Business Development Manager. With extensive experience in the shipping industry, we are fortunate to have him join the Bazeport team.
Introducing the newest member of the Bazeport team! - more info...

Enters Strategic Agreement with Wallenius Wilhelmsen
We are thrilled to announce a strategic partnership with Wallenius Wilhelmsen to revolutionize onboard communication across their fleet of 83 RoRo vessels. This collaboration will integrate Microsoft Power BI with our Bazeport Seea Information and Entertainment System, enhancing data sharing and corporate communication efficiency to mirror onshore office interactions.
Enters Strategic Agreement with Wallenius Wilhelmsen - more info...

Meet the newest member of our Bazeport Team!
We warmly welcome Chief Content Officer Linda Vabø, our new Chief Content Officer at Bazeport. Congratulations on joining us in this newly established role.

Senior App- og Webutvikler
Vi trenger flere nye medarbeidere til vårt utviklingsteam og ser etter deg som liker å jobbe med oppdatert teknologi og dyktige kollegaer.

New contract win with Omega Integration Pte Ltd
We are pleased to announce that our partnership with Omega Integration Pte Ltd in Singapore has resulted in several new contracts, such as the new Petrobras FPSOs P-79, P-80, P-83 and the BW Offshore project, Barossa.
New contract win with Omega Integration Pte Ltd - more info...

Business Development Manager
Join Our Team: Business Development Manager
Location: Porsgrunn, Norway

Allseas Elevates Onboard Entertainment with Bazeport
In 2019 Allseas, one of the world's major offshore pipelay and subsea construction companies, chose Bazeport as their onboard crew entertainment and information platform.
Allseas Elevates Onboard Entertainment with Bazeport - more info...

Exciting News from Bazeport!
We're thrilled to announce that Bazeport has been chosen by Knutsen OAS Shipping, a leading integrated shipping company within the Knutsen Group, to deliver onboard entertainment and information services.

New feature in BazePort!
BazePort has recently introduced a new feature in the info portal that allows users to easily upload PDF files and view them in a more user-friendly way on any personal device, phone, tablet or PC.

It´s Friday, let´s meet the team!
Today we will get to know Jens, he works as a System Developer at BazePort, and has been with us for five years now.

Baze Technology are proud to be a small part in a great project like Mercy Ships
Mercy Ships travel the world to give aid to people in need in difficult areas. Its important for them to have technology that offers entertainment and communication no matter where in the globe they may be. We are happy to enable just that.
Baze Technology are proud to be a small part in a great project like Mercy Ships - more info...

Baze Technology provides BazePort IPTV solutions to the world’s most exciting Explorer Cruise ships!
Baze Technology is a proud provider of BazePort IPTV to Sunstone Maritime Group, with ships like Greg Mortimer, Ocean Explorer, Ocean Victory, Ocean Odyssey and Sylvia Earl. These Luxury Explorer Cruise ships accept nothing less than perfection

Release of BazePort IPTV - version 8.6
The BazePort IPTV system is continually renewed and improved as part of our ongoing product design and development. When you enter a BazePort Service Agreement, you are entitled to new software releases and fixes for the software licenses you have purchased. BazePort version 8.6 introduces several new features, dynamic content and possible integration methods for BazePort Publish, as well as introduces the possible use of Bluetooth-connected headsets for our CT-2211 set-top box.

BazePort Seea onboard entertainment increases crew welfare!
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light issues such as isolation and loneliness and has understandably drawn a lot of attention to the quality of seafarers’ working environment.
BazePort Seea onboard entertainment increases crew welfare! - more info...

Meet our new team members
In August, we had the pleasure of welcoming four new members to the Baze team. We sat down with our new colleagues and asked them about their experience after their first weeks at Baze.