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The new module BazePort Transfers presents status of file transfers between the local server and BazePort content and cloud services.

The module is used both by the BazePort Content Service for presenting status of transfers of content to local server, and by the cloud publishing solution to present status of assets being transferred and synchronized between the local server and the cloud server.



The module presents both current transfer, transfer queue, and a log of previous transfers. For the current transfer it is possible to abort the transfer, and for the queued transfers it is also possible to change priority of items, and to push an item to start the transfer right away. Transfer speed can be changed from within the module.

Transfer status and log has previously been available for BazePort Content Service transfers. With BazePort Transfer module we continue to unify the user interface of all BazePort services.



Another new feature with transfers of media assets is that items published in cloud are transferred to local server “instantly”. In previous versions of BazePort, transfer of new assets were pushed out every hour, while BazePort 8.1 has implemented a new, efficient transfer method which allows for items to be pushed to local server as soon as they are published, with very little bandwidth use. However, you can still control how often assets shall be transferred, if you like.



The module is available in BazePort Management Studio both on local server and from cloud server.

If you have any questions, please contact Baze Technology on email:

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