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BazePort 8.5 includes a new and improved method of working for BazePort system owners with a large amount of Publishing tool users.

This is a new Access Control management that allows system owners to create many levels of access for its publishers; e.g., organisations, units, departments etc. A publisher can then be restricted in its role to a certain level in that hierarchy.



Take a look at the figure below. With the new access management you can define an organization and let users belong to a specific organization unit, and you can define roles and let users belong to one or more roles. The user can have permissions either through their placement in the organization tree, through their role(s), or directly on their user.

Access control in BazePort


The users, organization units or roles are given permissions to:

  • modules – specific access levels in the modules
  • content – specific content and specific access levels to the content

This makes it possible to set up access rules where different organization units can manage their own content like media assets and info channels, while a higher level role has access to several organization units. Or a creative contributor can prepare content, like video clips and pictures, as media assets, but does not have access to other modules.

Would you like implement access rules for your BazePort Management Studio user? We are ready to assist!

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