A module based system. Choose your functionality

BazePort Flow

Automate tedious tasks

Flow automates repetitive and routine tasks with ease. It's simple to set up in just three steps:

  1. Name the flow
  2. Select triggers
  3. Define actions

Flow can also trigger actions based on messages from other systems. For example, a hotel's booking system can automatically activate actions in Bazeport upon check-in, such as turning on the TV in the guest's room and displaying a personalized welcome message on the screen.

RSS feed

Feed your audience with RSS feed

Ever felt like you have so much you want to tell your guests or crew, but are not really sure how to reach them?

With RSS feed you can publish your promotions and information directly to the home screen of the TV. Your information will be the first thing the audience see when they turn on the TV. You can easily create your own feed or subscribe to external RSS feeds.

Create your own RSS feed in just 1 minute


BazePort Analytics

Business insights with Analytics

Bazeport Analytics is designed to give you valuable insights into what your audience is watching, when, and how. Identify what's popular—and what isn’t.

We log data by the minute for all Bazeport usage, creating a vast database of actionable information. Uncover trends, shifts, and opportunities that can drive meaningful impact for your business.


3 awesome things you can do with Bazeport Analytics


Publish in multiple languages

Engage your audience by creating content in their preferred language. You can control when and for whom the content is available.

When users access the Info Portal, they will only see content in the language they've selected on their Bazeport device. The same goes for the entertainment section, where synopses for films and TV series can be published in any language

Learn how to create content in multiple languages   

BazePort Transfers

Content updates Over-the-Air

Bazeport Transfers provides an overview of file transfers between the local server and Bazeport content and cloud services.

This feature lets you monitor transfer status and manage the process with ease.

See the details and access the transfer module 

WiFi & Connectivity

Manage bandwidth use, throttling and connectivity

We understand that lack of bandwidth may be a concern when considering a IPTV system.

That is why Bazeport allows scheduling and bandwidth throttling providing you with control over the bandwith use.

Log on to the Transfer module in Bazeport Management Studio



Publish via cloud

The Bazeport Management Studio is available as a cloud service or on the local Bazeport network, and it works in any browser-based device (PCs, tablets and smartphones).

With cloud service, you can publish content to your Bazeport installation from anywhere and anytime, as long as you are connected to the Internet.

Read more about local and cloud publishing

Manage content

Bazeport Management Studio

The Bazeport IPTV system lets you publish information, entertainment and send messages to Bazeport units. There are several publishing applications available to support your different publishing needs.

Bazeport Management Studio is where you create and manage your content. Here you create Flows, RSS feeds, upload podcasts, manage transfers, languages and access Analytics.

Go to Bazeport Management Studio